Welcome Parents/Guardians to Honey Creek Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

From the PTO Board
We would like to welcome your family to the Honey Creek Elementary Family!! Your PTO board is excited about the year to come. Please consider joining the PTO. Please note that joining doesn’t always mean volunteering all of your time, it could also mean sharing an idea to make your child’s experience at Honey Creek a great one!
What does the Honey Creek PTO do?
Each year the PTO works with Honey Creek Elementary community to organize family engagement activities,support our students and staff and provide funds for projects and events that help make Honey Creek a great school. How can we do all of this? We can do this with the help of our community and we NEED YOU!!!
Honey Creek PTO Updates
Stay up to date by joining our email contact list by sending an email to [email protected] and bookmark our website hcethehivepto.com
PTO Meetings
Everyone is welcome! We meet on a monthly basis every second Tuesday of the month to plan our monthly events, decide how to spend our funds and help facilitate communication within our community. Our meetings are great ways to stay informed about the happenings around Honey Creek.
Join the PTO Community
Click here to join PTO Cash app - $honeycreekpto)
PTO Membership is good for the entire school year. Se" e membership fees below.
1 HCE Student = $5
2 or more HCE Students = $10